Preventative Maintenance


Maintaining your solar Array

You get your car inspected every year and oil changed frequently.

You go to the dentist regularly.

You have your heating system checked yearly.

Why would you let your solar array go unmaintained?

Like any complex piece of technology or substantial investment, it’s important to take proper and routine care of a solar installation to ensure maximum safety and performance.

So what is preventative cleaning?

Preventative cleaning is just what it sounds like; a maintenance plan and sequence designed to ensure all system components are functioning as they should be, and to prevent any technical issues from deteriorating the system.

Solar panel cleaning is vital to get the most out of your system.

If you own commercial solar panels, you will no doubt be interested in reaping the largest financial reward and seeing your return on investment (ROI) as soon as possible.

And having clean solar panels certainly helps.

Dirty solar panels can severely dent your ROI time.

The Solar Energy Power Association notes that dirty solar panels can lose 20% of their energy output. 

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory puts that figure even higher, at 25%. 

By having clean solar panels, more light hits the solar cells meaning more generation which in turn means more money, and sooner.

Why undergo preventative cleaning?

The overarching goal of preventative cleaning is to ensure maximum yield, system uptime, and efficiency of a solar array. By maintaining the system on a regular basis, it stays in better working condition, and ensures potential malfunctions are effectively managed.

Properly functioning solar arrays contribute consistent financial value to their owners. If a technical issues arise due to increasing soiling levels, a portion of that value is lost.

By investing in preventative cleaning program, a solar array owner protects his or her investment, ensuring optimal system output and therefore financial benefit.

So how often should you have them cleaned?

Every solar array is unique and depending upon different environmental factors, the recommended frequency of each clean will vary.

Special attention should be given to panels situated in dustier areas, for example, next to the main road, by the sea and on or near farmland.

When solar panels remain dirty for long periods of time, they suffer from modular shading.

But further down the line, permanent staining may also occur and the larger the array, the bigger the loss of return is for the owner.

How do we clean your solar panels?

Rain alone is not enough to ensure solar panels remain free from a build-up of dirt throughout one year, let alone a lifetime.

We clean both roof and ground-mounted solar PV arrays utilising our purified water-fed poles.

The purified water is housed within our vans and then pumped along the hoses to the poles.

At the end of each pole is a specialist soft brush, specifically designed to clean solar panels.

Water jets are then expelled from the brush allowing for cleaning to commence.

Keeping your solar shining is simple with Climateshield.

To book your appointment – get in touch with us today!

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